Elegantly furnished apartment on one floor of 67 sqm, with double bedroom. It consists of an entrance with living room and kitchen, a double bedroom and a bathroom with shower. In the living room dominates an ancient Tuscan fireplace that characterizes the apartment. Our guests can light the fire and recreate an “old times” atmosphere; firewood is available, free of charge, in the garden woodshed. The windows overlook the garden; very quiet. Perfect both in summer and winter season. Entrance from Viale Garibaldi Contessina was Count's youngest daughter "Count" is an aristocratic title that, in the heraldic hierarchy, follows that of Marquis. In ancient Rome, during the Republican period, the Count (Comes), assisted and advised assisted and advised the magistrates responsible for the provincial government. Under Constantine, the term designated public officials: some of them headed the major central empire offices, others were provincial government officials, other ones were emissaries sent to the various cities to represent the central government. In the period of the first barbarian invasions in Italy, the Comes lost its importance and only with the advent of the Franks (8th century), a complex system of Counts and counties was settled again. In the comitatus, the Count, directly appointed by the King, was the judge and supreme guardian of the public order, presiding over the court assemblies, imposing fines, collecting taxes, etc. Feudalism altered the Comes role and his juridical function, which started to be considered just as a formal duty of that territorial benefit that was granted to the Count as a reward for his position. From the 12th century onwards, the term Count simply referred to the aristocratic title, inherited from father to son.